The best way for my grandmother to clean the blood and lower blood pressure!

A strong immune system is very important because it keeps us safe from viruses and germs all year long. Here are five things you can do to keep your immune system strong before we get to the recipe.

Fruits and veggies that are in good balance, like broccoli, cabbage, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, nuts, dark berries, grapes, and citrus fruits. Eat everything in the rainbow!

For a strong defense system, you need vitamin D. A lot of people don’t get enough vitamins in the winter, so it might be a good idea to take pills.

As well as making the defense system stronger, exercise makes the heart and blood vessels stronger. It’s best to do endurance sports like running, swimming, and riding. Don’t do too much, though, because that can backfire. Begin slowly…

As much as possible, try to stay away from worry. Long-term, intense stress makes the immune system weaker and makes it easier for pathogens to spread. That is why you should slow down before it gets too much.

Get enough sleep. People who get enough rest are less likely to get infections and colds. When you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system gets weaker because your guard cells die off.

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