Quick & Easy No-Sugar Jam for a Delightful Breakfast

Embarking on your morning with a sweet and homemade treat need not entail compromising your commitment to health. For those seeking to curtail sugar intake without forfeiting flavor, we present a delightful surprise – a swift and straightforward no-sugar jam recipe, perfect for enhancing your morning toast, oatmeal, or yogurt. This recipe harnesses the inherent sweetness of fruit, complemented by a few healthful ingredients, resulting in a jam so delectable you’ll find it hard to believe it’s entirely sugar-free.

Embracing Fruit-Based Sweetness: Berries, apples, and peaches, rich in natural sugars that gracefully caramelize during cooking, serve as an ideal foundation for a no-sugar jam. While our recipe spotlights berries for their antioxidant properties and vibrant flavor, feel free to explore various fruit options to suit your taste.


  • 2 cups of fresh or frozen berries (such as strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries)
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • Optional: A drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup for extra sweetness


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