Put 3 balls of aluminum foil in the washing machine and get rid of this problem once and for all!

The washing machine is where the most static electricity accumulates, since the more clothes rub against each other when drying, the more electrical charge will be generated.

By introducing aluminum foil balls with each wash  , you will notice that they absorb all the static energy, thus preventing the clothes from being damaged or electrified.

The method is very simple to do: you just have to insert three balls of aluminum foil, the size of a golf ball, and follow the usual steps for each detergent, with the detergent and the washing program that you usually do.

NB   : in the case of the items that you wash on tendance to drainer beaucoup d’électricité, il est essentiel d’utiliser l’assouplissant durant le cycle de lavage, ainsi qu’un program d’essorage court afin de ne pas aggraver ce problem.

What is aluminum foil made of?

Aluminum is a chemical element that is extracted from a material called “bauxite”. It is a non-ferromagnetic metal, that is, it does not have the necessary compounds to become easily magnetized. The aluminum sheet is thus obtained thanks to the balance of iron and silicone, as well as 98.5% aluminum. In addition, the sheet of this metal is very flexible and is an excellent conductor of heat.

Other unexpected uses of aluminum foil

In addition to what we have already mentioned  , aluminum foil can help us in our daily lives to simplify certain tasks or solve a lot of small annoyances.

Here are some surprising and even unusual uses:

  • Cleaning a burnt pan   : A simple piece of tightly crumpled aluminum foil can quickly remove burnt residue. Just scrub well and the residue will come off more easily.
  • Move the living room table   – Has dust accumulated in the living room and you plan to clean? Oops, you’re still having trouble moving the coffee table in the living room, which is too heavy for you. No problem: wrap pieces of aluminum foil under the four legs of the table and you will notice that it will slide faster.
  • Shine your old, completely rusty cutlery   : Have you just pulled out old cutlery from the back of the cabinet, as well as old jewelry that is completely dull and rusty? This is an amazing method to make all your silver coins shine. Simply install a sheet of aluminum at the bottom of a container, fill it with a mixture of hot water and coarse salt and submerge all your objects in it. Let it sit for a while before taking it out and drying it properly. The result is impressive: all your rooms have regained their former splendor!
  • Cleaning the iron   : If it is full of stains and dirt, the iron immediately becomes sticky and much slower than usual. Not to mention it leaves unsightly marks on your clothes. Jump up, roll up a big ball of aluminum foil, and vigorously rub the dirtiest areas. Here it is again ready to use!

More tips to take care of your clothes

Fading, shrinking, felting… your clothes do not deserve this fate! Here’s how to extend its lifespan.

Preserve the original colors.

Tye & dye is pretty, but only when you want to…

White fabrics:   to remain white, they must be protected from light that turns them yellow. Don’t hesitate to store them in dark boxes or opaque drawers, away from direct light.

Colored fabrics:   To give your colored clothes a boost, add white vinegar to the last rinse water. Or use it as a fabric softener.

Black fabrics:   together and inside out is the correct way to wash them.

Add white vinegar to the rinse water to set the color and never iron them right side out so they don’t shine. To make them a deep black, bathe your dark clothes in the cold spinach cooking water (without the spinach) before washing them.

Respect the forms

A wool sweater or cotton fabric is not meant to become deformed…

Before the first wash:   go through the (very) salty bath stage. Soak your cotton t-shirts (respecting the colors) in a basin of cold water with 4 handfuls of coarse salt.

For wool sweaters:   avoid the machine. Proceed by hand in warm water with Marseille soap flakes. Bathe them without rubbing or wringing them and rinse them well, finishing with a rinse in diluted white vinegar. Dry your wool sweaters flat, between two terry towels.

Despite these precautions, has it shrunk?

Continued on next page



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