Put 3 balls of aluminum foil in the washing machine and get rid of this problem once and for all!

Only solution   : relax the fibers. Not just pulling it, but first by soaking it in a solution of cold water and glycerin (or conditioner) gently stretching the sleeves and edges until your sweater returns to the initial size. Drain it on a towel and lay it out to dry, stretching it regularly.

Despite all this, is it felt?

Soak your sweater for an hour in vinegar, cold or warm water.

fix the colors

No, the discoloration won’t go through you!

Will it be erased, will it not be erased?

To find out, proceed with the wet swab test rubbed on the garment. This had? The color of your garment can fade during washing and stain everything in its path.

To stop bleeding:   wash your garment in cold water with vinegar and liquid Marseille soap.

The basics:   Sort your clothes color by color to avoid them mixing. Choose the cold wash program or 30°C maximum. If you choose to hand wash, proceed piece by piece.

Rubbed? You can repair the damage with soda crystals. Soak your faded t-shirt for a day in 1 liter of hot water with a cup of crystals. If the stain is localized, rub with a paste of baking soda and water, then let it sit before rinsing.

Erase imperfections

Time goes by…

Sweating (the marks):   bathe your white cotton t-shirt in a mixture of water and lemon juice. You can also immerse it in a container filled with cold water and white vinegar (1 glass).

Bis perspiration (the smell):   melt several aspirin tablets in a container and immerse the garment in it.

Shine (for black fabric):   iron it with a cloth soaked in household vinegar.

Puffs:   shave them with a razor. Or catch them with scotch.

Yellowing:   Cook your gray t-shirt in a mixture of water, Marseille soap flakes and lemon juice.

Five techniques for ironing without an iron

Vaporization. Place her clothes on a hanger, spray them with warm water, and let them dry. You will see that the wrinkles will disappear.

Shower. Take advantage of the hot steam to hang your outfit of the day on a hanger and straighten it as if by magic.

A damp towel. A wrinkled garment can be smoothed out by “ironing” it with a damp sponge, placed flat on the garment.

Above a saucepan. Okay, the trick requires a little high ceilings, but you can place your shirt over a pot of boiling water to enjoy the softening effects of the hot steam.

In the hair dryer  . Spray with water and dry. Be careful not to touch the nozzle so as not to burn the fabric and use gentle heat.

(His) grandmother’s trick: Wash with a net

My grandmother, who was very chic, collected cashmere jackets.

He gave me some, with very good advice: before putting the cardigan in the washing machine, wrap the buttons tightly in aluminum foil. Wash the vests very frequently because the more you wash them, the softer and more beautiful they become. Wash them only in cold or lukewarm water, or at 30°C. And above all, above all, put them in a net, like lingerie.

Did you know?

The natural or synthetic fibers   of a garment do not shrink during washing, but rather during drying, when water evaporates from them.



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