The ingredients you’ll need in order to make this dish are:

1 lb of ground beef
1 jar of spaghetti sauce
8 oz of cream cheese
¼ cup sour cream
½ lb cottage cheese (equals 1 cup)
½ cup butter (1 stick)
1 pkg spaghetti 16 oz
Grated cheddar cheese
One important thing to note before you start gathering the ingredients for this recipe is that the quantities stated above are only good for a Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole dish that serves 8-10 people. If you’re going to feed more than ten (10) people, you could follow this recipe twice or you could tweak the recipe a bit to allow for more servings at a time.

Now, tweaking recipes is easy but it’s not just a matter of adding an extra half (1/2) cup of butter or an extra pound (lb) of ground beef to the dish. Each and every single one of the above stated ingredients has to be increased (or decreased, if you’re planning on feeding less without any leftovers) proportionately.

Again, it’s easy to do but we’re aware of how tricky things can get in the kitchen, particularly when you’re working with a new recipe. So, if you need any help, feel free to consult us by leaving us a message in the comment section of this page (preferably before things get tricky. We’re not the recipe ER and it will take a little while before we get back to you.)


What you’ll need for this recipe, equipment-wise are:

An oven
(Preferably one that is temperature-regulated. This is a baked recipe, so there’s no escaping the use of an oven, at least according to this recipe.)

A saucepan (for boiling your spaghetti)
A skillet (for browning your hamburger)
A strainer or food sieve (for draining the boiled spaghetti)
A 9×13 baking pan/ casserole.
And just for the sake of being thorough, we’re going to mention all those bowls and spoons that are undoubtedly bound to end up in the dishwasher after this cooking/baking experience.


the rest is on the next page



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