Before we step into any new recipe, we like to give a little recommendation. It’s something that’s going to help with your free range of movement, boost the hygiene level of what you’re doing and, quite possibly, assist in getting you into the zone. You know, the cooking/baking zone.

That simple recommendation is this: Clean up your counter top and clear out any clutter you have lying around (if you have any). It does wonders for your morale as you try out this amazing Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole recipe, possibly for the first time. When you’re done with that, you can bring out your ingredients and measure them out into small bowls (like the one they use in cooking shows on TV, if you’re into that kind of thing. The point is, your counter top is free so, you can do that if you like). Do NOT mix any of those ingredients together until the recipe tells you to, this is very important as there is ALWAYS a technique.

Preheat your oven to 350°.
(Preheating is the sacred art of setting your oven to a particular aforementioned temperature before baking so as to create a heat-regulated space within the oven. This is done to avoid that unfortunate scenario that often occurs, where the inside of the baked recipe will not be done but the outer part will be ready.)

Boil your spaghetti noodles until al dente (firm). Drain and set aside until ready to assemble.
Combine the cream cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese until well blended (Now, you can mix!)
Brown your hamburger and when done, drain well.
(Browning just means setting the food item on a skillet – preferably non-stick – on medium to low heat until the color changes to brown. And that’s what you’ll do with the hamburger here.)

Combine the hamburger with your spaghetti sauce.
Put a few slices of butter into a 9×13 pan then pour half of your spaghetti noodles on top.
(Adding the butter first is not negotiable. The butter is serving the function of a non-stick agent to prevent – or mitigate – bits of the Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole from sticking to the pan when it’s done. Yep, the butter helps to prevent that nightmare that makes it hard to clean the pan after all the delicious food is long gone.)

Take your cream cheese mixture and pour on top of the noodles. Spread well over noodles.
Pour the rest of the noodles on top of the cream cheese mixture. Put a few more slices of butter on top of the noodles.
Pour your spaghetti and meat sauce on top of your noodles.
Now it is ready to put into the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, pour the desired amount of gratedcheese on top and return to the oven for 15 minutes to allow cheese to melt.
Serve, dig in and enjoy!



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