How to prepare a natural fertilizer for plants? They will grow quickly without even paying a cent

Plants need regular and careful maintenance. Even with a green thumb, it’s not always easy to accelerate your growth. To provide them with the nutrients they need, it is not necessary to use expensive and chemical products on a daily basis. A natural fertilizer that you usually prepare in the kitchen may be enough.

Many factors contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of plants. In fact, when they are not exposed and watered properly, they have no chance of growing harmoniously. Fortunately, there is a natural and economical fertilizer capable of generously nourishing the soil, providing it with the appropriate nutrients for its growth.

How to promote plant growth naturally?

If you are one of those who like to try green gardening tips, you will quickly adopt this irrigation technique. Very beneficial to accelerate the growth of plants in pots or planted in the garden, it is based on a single liquid fertilizer with multiple benefits.

  • Pasta cooking water, a natural fertilizer for your plants
pasta cooking water

After each pasta cooking, the cooking water is usually thrown into the kitchen sink. However, this liquid can be very useful for your plants.  It contains a good dose of starch, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and many minerals found in most fertilizers sold on the market. For your plants to enjoy its many benefits, simply cook the pasta and  use the cooking water to water. and this, twice a week. This natural fertilizer will thus nourish the roots of the plants, strengthen them and make them healthier and more resistant to diseases. Therefore, it offers all the conditions for healthy and sustainable growth. Don’t forget to let the liquid cool before pouring the mixture at the foot of your plant. The water used to cook vegetables, rice or eggs is equally rich in nutrients essential for sustainable plant growth.

The other benefits of pasta cooking water on plants

Continued on next page



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