How to prepare a natural fertilizer for plants? They will grow quickly without even paying a cent

As you may have understood, the pasta cooking water helps your plants grow faster and keeps them healthy. It can also solve other gardening problems.

  • Pasta cooking water, a natural pesticide for your plants
Watering a houseplant

In addition to contributing  to the healthy growth of plants , the pasta cooking water can be used as a natural and environmentally friendly pesticide. environment. However, it must be fermented to produce an unpleasant alcohol aroma capable of repelling pests and insects.  To prepare the fermented pasta water, simply fill a jar with this liquid and pour the following two ingredients into it:

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of milk

Then cover the jar and leave for up to 4 days. Once the solution is ready, transfer it to a watering can and use the solution to moisten the soil of your plant.

  • Cooking water, a natural herbicide for your plants

It is also possible to use the pasta cooking water as a natural herbicide. Use it while it is still warm to moisten and remove unwanted plants that grow on your paths and spoil the landscape. Of course, avoid adopting this trick on the soil of your outdoor or potted plants because it can cause irreversible damage. Bien que l’eau de cuisson de légumes, de pommes de terre, de riz ou de pâtes soit more efficace pour éliminer les mauvaises herbes, certaines personnes préfèrent l’eau bouillante pure pour éviter la formation D’une couche résiduelle d’amidon on the ground.

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