Experienced housewives do not buy cloves for cooking: for them it is a godsend. I’m sharing how I use cloves in an unconventional way, not only in everyday life.

Well, who among us doesn’t use cloves in the kitchen? Every self-respecting housewife actively uses these buds in twists, preparations, and marinades. Great spice and seasoning! I buy cloves in whole bags, not potato bags, of course, but still.  She makes me happy in another way too.

Cloves as an alternative to all sorts of fancy hair care products.

In Soviet times, when there were only two shampoos on the shelves, one for children and another, it was very difficult to ensure that hair was silky, voluminous and soft. But my mother always had excellent hair.  The wonderful carnation buds helped her in this.

How did she make her homemade shampoo? I am sharing my mother’s recipe.

  • So what do we need?  Just nothing: half a liter of water, clove buds, a dessert spoon, and peppercorns, no more than 10 pieces.
  • We bring all this to a boil, let the solution simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Then we cover it and let it brew for half a day . That’s all, the decoction can be used.
  • Apply it to freshly washed hair. Then we simply wash them. This procedure not only improves color and volume.  It prevents hair from becoming brittle and serves as a preventative against dandruff and flaking of the skin.

Clove “aromatherapy” for the entire apartment.

We just need to add 350 ml of water to a saucepan or other iron container and use a grater to extract the citrus zest. After that, add about a dozen clove buds and a small cinnamon stick. We simply simmer over low heat without a lid, waiting until the whole apartment is filled with the aromas of Asia and the East. Great natural flavor!

Cloves if you have a sore throat.

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