Experienced housewives do not buy cloves for cooking: for them it is a godsend. I’m sharing how I use cloves in an unconventional way, not only in everyday life.

If you are worried about your throat becoming inflamed, then there is an excellent and reliable remedy. To do this we need to do the following:

  • Just grind the clove buds to a fine fraction. For this we need no more than two inflorescences.  Next, simply mix the seasoning with honey, using a tablespoon.
  • I assure you, this remedy perfectly fights inflammation of the throat. It has a very pleasant taste, bacteria are destroyed.  ENT doctors are unlikely to recommend this, but the folk remedy works with a bang.

Cloves are like your home dentist.

Are your gums inflamed? No problem! Just chew a clove! One inflorescence is enough. An excellent preventive measure. It also replaces chewing gum, that is, it freshens breath. Cloves are also beneficial for people who have thick blood. Cloves liquefy it perfectly.

Clove is my personal natural therapist.

I suffer from migraines very often. Sometimes it happens that headaches lie in wait for me in various unexpected places. What to do if the pain has crept up unnoticed, and there are no headache pills at hand?  Cloves will definitely help!

  • You just need to chew one clove bud, and the headache will go away within 7-10 minutes.
  • This remedy has only advantages: a package of cloves costs pennies, it has no side effects, and does not require drinking water at all. How do you like these advantages?  I think there are more than enough of them.

Excellent tonic drinks based on clove buds.

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