The Pralinella Log

Bake for around 10 minutes at 200°C. The biscuit should be golden and still soft.

Leave the biscuit to cool on a rack.

Assembly of the log:
Take the spread out of the refrigerator and let it warm up so you can spread it easily.

Turn the cold biscuit out onto a sheet of parchment paper.

Carefully peel off the sheet on which the biscuit was baked. Trim the edges of the biscuit at the top and bottom (the sides will be trimmed once the log is filled and cold).

Flip the biscuit again. Soak the entire surface with syrup using a brush.

Spread the spread over the entire surface. I had left a margin in case the filling escaped, but I had to patch it up afterwards 😉 I used about ¾ of the spread.

Roll the biscuit tightly and form a uniform sausage. I chose to roll this way, but you can do it the other way, if you prefer long, thin logs.

In the last turn, bring the edge of the biscuit back onto the sausage.
Roll the biscuit in the parchment paper. Finish tightening by pressing the paper with the edge of your hand.

Reserve in the refrigerator for approximately 1 hour (or more).

The rock glaze:

Roast the chopped almonds in a pan, without fat.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, without exceeding 45°C.

Add the oil and mix.

Pour in the chopped almonds and mix.

Let the icing cool to 30°C.

When the log is very cold, place it on a rack, itself placed on a tray to collect the excess icing.

Pour the icing at 30°C onto the log using a ladle.

To properly cover the log, use a spatula to glaze the bottom of the log.

Reserve in the refrigerator for approximately 1 hour, while the icing crystallizes.

Take out the Pralinella cream and pour it into the mixer bowl. Whip the cream, gradually increasing the speed until stiff.

Fill a piping bag fitted with a Saint-Honoré nozzle.

Continued on next page



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