Teeth whitening: 7 proven recipes that remove yellowing permanently

Teeth whitening is something that many people look forward to. Getting a smile. Always brushing your teeth with toothpaste after eating or drinking is the best way to whiten your teeth naturally, although not the easiest. But this matter requires a lot of perseverance, so it is recommended to avoid smoking cigarettes, drinking a lot of coffee or soft drinks, and improve oral hygiene in general. And eat a healthy diet. This can help reduce tooth yellowing .

But if you drink coffee or if you smoke excessively, having your teeth cleaned by a dentist every three months may be the best solution. You can also try some of the natural treatments listed here in this article that will help you whiten your teeth in a natural and safe way.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Teeth turn yellow for two reasons, both of which tend to accelerate with age:

1Enamel thinning:

The outer layer of the teeth consists of almost white enamel that protects the deeper tooth structure. Underneath the enamel is a layer of tissue called dentin. It is brown and yellow in color, and when the enamel layer weakens or begins to thin, the teeth begin to yellow. Thinning of tooth enamel may occur due to eating too much acidic foods, gum disease, or aging.


Due to excessive consumption of coffee, tea, soft drinks and smoking.

Teeth whitening with guaranteed recipes:

1Hydrogen peroxide  for teeth whitening :

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