Perfume your home with the oven: a little is enough to have an irresistible aroma

The oven is widely used in the kitchen, its use can give rise to  a bad smell that cannot be easily eliminated.

This means that when you turn on the oven again, in addition to putting the taste of what we are going to cook at risk, a bad smell spreads throughout the house. And no one wants to bake cookies that taste like chicken!

However, we have the possibility of  eliminating bad odors from your oven and at the same time perfume the entire house.

water and vinegar

Vinegar, we can use both wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar, is capable of neutralizing bad odors and deeply degreasing the oven.

To do this, just make  a mixture with water and vinegar  , which we will put in a spray, to be able to spray it inside the oven.
After letting it sit for about thirty minutes, we can rinse and no longer smell anything.

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