Pasta salad with chicken and broccoli

  1. Broccoli should be divided into florets and cooked for five minutes in boiling salted water. Once this time has passed, transfer to a colander and cover with cold water. This will maintain the broccoli’s vibrant green colour.
  2. Pasta should be cooked as directed on the package.
  3. Cube the chicken fillet and season it.
  4. Sauté in a tiny bit of oil.
  5. Cube the pepper, onion, and cucumber. cut the dill. Empty the corn.
  6. Transfer all of the components into a bowl: Cooked spaghetti, fried chicken fillet, chopped broccoli (I separate it into smaller florets), corn, cucumber, onion and pepper. Make the sauce in a another bowl using yoghurt, mayonnaise, dill, and a crushed garlic clove. After combining everything, add salt and pepper to taste. After making the sauce, pour it over the salad and toss. Put it in the fridge for a minimum of one hour. Have fun!



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