Old school pizza burgers

Preheat the Oven:
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).
Cook and Drain the Ground Beef:
In a skillet over medium-high heat, crumble and cook the ground beef until browned. Drain any excess fat.
Season and Sauce:
Add the Italian seasoning to the cooked ground beef and stir well.
Pour in the pizza sauce, stirring to combine. Allow the mixture to simmer for a few minutes until it thickens slightly.
Prepare the Burger Buns:
Place the burger bun halves on a baking sheet, cut side up.
Assemble the Pizza Burgers:
Spoon the ground beef mixture onto one half of each burger bun, spreading it evenly.
Sprinkle a generous amount of shredded sharp cheddar cheese over the beef mixture.
Bake in the Oven:
Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 12 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly, and the bottom of the buns has a slight crunch.



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