If you feed your orchid this way, it will bloom for 4 seasons – I’ve never had it like this before

A cotton ball is moistened in the water obtained and the solution is applied to the top and bottom of the leaves of the orchid, in order to clean them well and remove all traces of fungi and insects. In addition, the solution will also ensure that the leaves receive adequate nutrients, which are necessary for the orchid’s growth. This operation should be repeated every two weeks, to promote the strong and lush growth of this wonderful plant.

An alternative method is to pour the rice water obtained with the previous procedure into a spray bottle, using a funnel.

This way, you can spray the solution on the bottom and top of the leaves. The efficiency is practically the same as the previous method with the cotton pad. The most important thing to remember is not to sprinkle rice water on the flowers, as it could damage them.

Rice water can be frozen and reused

Finally, it is always a good idea to pour a little rice water on the soil of the orchids, in order to guarantee the roots of the plant those nutrients essential for its growth. The operation should be repeated every two weeks.

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