How to keep ants away with baking soda?

To get rid of ants, cockroaches and other unwanted insects that have settled in your home, count on the powerful action of baking soda. Thanks to its properties, it will act as a first-rate repellent to banish them from your home.

Here are some effective tips to eliminate these invasive little creatures. Several methods are possible:

To keep mosquitoes out of your living spaces, you can dilute a teaspoon of the product in half a liter of water and add 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the infested areas daily.

To get rid of ants in your house, try to identify the places where they usually move in single file. Then sprinkle baking soda in all these corners as well as on certain walls of the house. They will definitely not come back!

To eradicate cockroaches, this trap will be very useful: mix a glass of baking soda with a glass of icing sugar. The consistency and color of the two ingredients being quite close, the cockroaches will not see anything. Put the mixture in small bowls that you will place in the most frequented corners, especially in warm and humid places, along the walls. The cockroaches will be automatically attracted by the sugar and will therefore be poisoned by the baking soda.

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