How to clean the oven in 5 minutes: goodbye grease and dirt with the aluminum trick

How to clean your oven with the foil method: If you try it, you won’t go back

When we have to deal with stubborn, charred encrustations, we must immediately put our souls at peace.  Using a degreaser and a  simple damp cloth will never be enough. This type of dirt tends to melt with the oven itself, giving rise to  unsightly very black and charred spots .

When we are faced with this level of encrustation, we must act differently. The encrustations must be able to soften to dissolve and disappear.

To soften them we must use our  liquid solution of water and dissolved tablet . We dip a dish sponge in this liquid and start scrubbing the surfaces, both  interior surfaces  and glass. The sponge must be well soaked.

Thanks to this step we will be able to remove a first surface of dirt: your sponge will turn black. Then wash the sponge and  wipe it over the dirty surfaces  to remove any residue. If the situation still doesn’t convince you,  it’s time to get the foil .

Moisten all affected surfaces with the liquid created previously.  Then spread a sheet of aluminum foil  to cover the entire area. Leave to act  for at least five minutes .

Once the necessary time has passed, you can continue: when you remove the card, you will notice that all the dirt has remained attached to it. Thanks to aluminum, scale  softens and disappears much more easily . Crumple the foil and use it to scrape off any residue. Then wash everything:  there will be no trace of encrustations  !



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