How delicious is that, crispy cauliflower from the oven

First, rinse the cauliflower thoroughly and carefully divide it into florets. At night, cook them in water with salt and nutmeg until al dente, remove with a slotted spoon and allow to steam.

Now mix the eggs with the butter until frothy.

Clean the garlic clove, dice it small, crush it with the tip of a knife and add it. Then add the salt, paprika, nutmeg and flour and stir into a smooth dough.

Roll the slightly cooled florets in the dough until everything is evenly distributed among the florets. Arrange side by side on a greased tray.

Finally, put the tray in the middle shelf of the oven preheated to 190 °C O/U. The baking time takes about 20 minutes until the florets are lightly browned.

Crispy cauliflower from the oven



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