Homemade repellent to keep away mosquitoes, flies and midges

To make this homemade repellent we will need ground coffee, a candle wick and cloves.

We will put the ground coffee in an American glass up to the line of the glass, level it well, make a central hole using a knife, remove the wick of a candle and place it in the central hole made in ground coffee.

Next, in the preparation of the homemade repellent, we will arrange the cloves around it, light the candle wick, wait for the coffee to start burning, and in a few seconds the best homemade repellent you have ever seen is ready! You will love !

Ingredients for homemade repellent:

  • 1 American glass
  • 8 heaped tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 1 standard size candle
  • Cloves according to your taste

Method of preparation :

  • Continue Reading in next page



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