Here’s how to get rid of insects in your bedding

To get rid of bedbugs in your home, it is very important to recognize their hiding places. To do this, equip yourself with a mirror and a flashlight.

Clean your bedding frequently

You must wash your bedding frequently. Wash at high temperatures to maximize the chances of destroying all traces of bed bugs in your premises.

Opt for freezing

If you can’t wash certain parts of your bedding, put them in plastic bags and place them in the freezer. Bed bugs are neither heat nor cold resistant.

Vacuum regularly

It is important to vacuum around your bed. Vacuum every day and do it well. This way, it becomes almost impossible for bedbugs to survive in this environment. If you suspect a bag contains insects, seal it and throw it out of your home.

Use essential oils

There are certain essential oils that can eliminate bedbugs from your premises. These include tea tree oil, orange oil or cedar oil. By mixing them with water and diffusing them throughout your home, you will maximize the chances of no longer having bed bugs .

Use diatomaceous earth

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