Goodbye to urine stains in the toilet, how to remove them quickly and naturally

If you really want to remove urine stains from the toilet bowl, you should get these  ingredients  , which you probably already have at home. We are talking about baking soda and citric acid, which will be mixed with water.

Mix the three ingredients until you obtain a  paste  to apply all over the toilet, especially where the urine stains are more embedded and stubborn.

Once the DIY paste is applied, let it sit for  10 minutes  . In this way, its cleaning, disinfection and sterilization capabilities will be activated. Now you can proceed, passing a brush or abrasive sponge over the surface.

Start gently, then work harder if you notice that the urine stains don’t go away  easily  .

You can then rinse your service and dry it well. Remember that this method is really  economical  and very effective and that is why you can repeat it at home as many times as you want.



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