Garlic: 11 secrets you don’t know yet

To get rid of small splinters, garlic is an effective solution. Cut off a small clove of garlic and place it over the sliver. Then add a bandage or tape for extra security. It is recommended to do this technique before going to bed. When you wake up, remove the tape and the splinter should be gone.

9) Keep mosquitoes away naturally 

Mosquitoes hate garlic and will not bite people who use garlic ointment. To make your own blend, you’ll need petroleum jelly, beeswax, and garlic essential oil. You can also place garlic cloves in areas where mosquitoes tend to congregate.

10) Lost cold sores 

If you have cold sores, you can try crushing a clove of garlic and placing it on the problem area for a few minutes. Garlic’s anti-inflammatory elements are said to help relieve and relieve pain. Taking garlic supplements can also speed up the healing process.

11) Against toothache

If you don’t care for your teeth properly, you may end up with a toothache, and garlic can help ease the pain. Its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory abilities can also help treat the problem. To use, simply crush a clove of garlic, sprinkle with salt and often place it on the painful tooth. The simple act of biting a clove of garlic can give you quick relief from your toothache.



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