Easiest Turkish Flatbread Recipe! The Method to make it Perfect!

  • Set up the yeast: In a medium-sized bowl, whisk the yeast along with sugar and warm water. Allow it to sit for around 5 minutes for sealing in a warm spot.

Set up the dry fixings: In an enormous bowl, whisk together the flour and salt in a huge bowl.

Make the batter combination: Add yogurt and olive oil in the flour and salt blend. Mix it well with a spatula. Pour the yeast blend and consolidate everything well with your hand until no flour bumps left. Keep ¼ cup water in a bowl as an afterthought to wet your hand at whatever point you feel the mixture is excessively tacky. Work it in the bowl for 3-4 minutes or until all that keeps well intact. You will get a delicate and marginally tacky mixture. At last, tap the outer layer of the batter with wet hands.

Rise the batter: Cover the bowl with saran wrap and allow it to sit in a warm spot for around 45-an hour or until it is multiplied in size.

Segment the batter: Sprinkle some flour on the counter, move the mixture on it and manipulate for around 5 minutes to eliminate the air inside it. Dust your hands with flour to forestall staying. Then make a major log from it and cut it in equivalent pieces. We make 12 pieces for little level breads. In the event that you need them bigger, cut it into 6 pieces.

Make mixture balls: Fold each piece of batter into a ball. Overlay the edges to the middle, then, at that point, roll in your palm and give it a ball shape. Dust your hand with flour if necessary. Put them on a floured surface and cover all the mixture balls with a kitchen towel so they don’t dry out.

Shape the batter balls: Get one ball and put it on a floured surface. Straighten it by utilizing your center three fingers on it a couple of times, flip it over and keep leveling by squeezing your fingers on it (or utilize a moving pin). The thickness will be around 1 inch/2,5 cm.

Cook bazlama bread: Heat a non stick skillet over medium high intensity and placed the smoothed mixture on it. While it is cooking, carry one more batter out. Each time you place a carried out batter in the skillet, shape another. So when it is cooked, the other will be fit to be set in the dish. Allow it to cook for around 90 seconds or until you see little air pockets on the top. Check the underside utilizing a spatula. Assuming you see earthy colored spots, the time has come to flip. Cook the opposite side around 1 moment or until you see earthy colored spots on that side as well. Put the cooked flatbread in a huge kitchen towel to keep it delicate and keep it from drying.

Repeat: Place the second mixture in the dish and keeping in mind that it is cooking, shape another. Subsequent to cooking 3-4 flatbreads, clean the skillet with a piece of paper towel to eliminate the consumed flour in the dish and afterward keep cooking the mixture balls.


  • Guarantee the water for yeast actuation is tepid (100°F to 110°F or 38°C to 43°C).
  • Manipulate the batter well, utilizing water to battle tenacity.
  • Permit the batter to ascend until multiplied in size.
  • Utilize insignificant flour while forming the mixture to stay away from dryness.
    • Screen and change the intensity level while cooking the bread.
    • Clean the skillet with a paper towel in the wake of cooking 3-4 flatbreads to eliminate consumed flour.
    • Wrap cooked bazlama in a kitchen towel for delicateness and legitimate stockpiling.
  • Move the wrapped flatbreads to an impermeable compartment or sealable plastic pack. Store at room temperature for as long as 2 days. For longer capacity, place the holder or pack in the cooler for as long as seven days.
  • Warm it in a skillet or non-stick dish over low intensity, flipping periodically, until warmed through.


Serving Size:Calories: 206Sugar: 0.9 g Sodium: 199.7 mg Fat: 5.7 g Carbohydrates: 32.9 g Protein: 5.6 g Cholesterol: 1.4 mg




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