Clean the house (even the oven) with grandmother’s recipes using baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice

While their effectiveness may vary, it is essential to understand that the substances that constitute household products can be toxic to the environment but also dangerous to humans. However, there are many natural tips for cleaning your home effectively and inexpensively. It is therefore essential to realize that these can be used in all situations and we are going to show you!

To clean the restroom

1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of white vinegar, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil will be enough to make your toilet shine and smell amazing.

Clean your bathtub

Mix 1/4 cup of liquid soap and a spoonful of baking soda. Although it requires a little elbow grease, simply rinsing will restore your tub to its former glory.

All surface degreaser

If you need a product that you can use for your kitchen shelves and any other type of surface, take note! 1/2 glass of vinegar, 1/2 glass of lukewarm water and the juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix and you have an effective homemade degreaser that leaves you smelling fresh.

Clean your oven

If there’s one thing that seasoned housewives dread the most, it’s cleaning the oven. Repeated use creates condensation of dirt in the oven glass and it can be very complicated to get rid of. Don’t panic, grandmother has a solution to everything.

Mix water and baking soda to form a paste. Brush the inside of your oven as well as the glass with your mixture and leave to act preferably overnight. The next day, rub with a wet sponge for incredible results.

Clean your floor

If you think that you will have to play the role of alchemist, mixing countless ingredients to obtain an effective household product, think again! Here is a very simple recipe that you can use to clean your floors. Take 1/2 glass of liquid Marseille or Castile soap, add 10 drops of tea tree oil and about 5 L of lukewarm water in a bucket. Mix and that’s it, that’s it. This product will leave your floors completely clean and shiny.



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