How to Eliminate Fleas, Ants and Cockroaches from Home Forever

It’s difficult to get rid of cockroaches once they have taken up residence in the house. They like humid and warm places and love nocturnal movements, especially in the kitchen in search of food. Great hygiene is essential to avoid attracting them. Fortunately, there are natural and effective methods to overcome it. Ingredients  250 ml of liquid detergent … Read more

6 Effective Tips to Degrease Very Dirty Ovens and Make Them Like New

The oven is an essential piece of equipment for cooking enthusiasts. It allows you to prepare succulent, well-flavored recipes. However, this household appliance gets dirty easily when used often. Fortunately, there are many simple tips to restore its shine, using natural products. 1 – THE NEWSPAPER And yes, newspaper is not only used to relay information but also … Read more

Old Fashioned Fudge Made Simple

Old Fashioned Chocolate Fudge, this is the best, creamiest chocolate fudge, made the old fashioned way. The perfect Homemade Chocolate Candy. I have been a big Candy lover for a long time, especially anything Chocolate such as these Easy Homemade Filled Chocolates or these Italian Chocolate Kisses / Baci. Old Fashioned Chocolate Fudge is everything … Read more

Mint Magic: 8 Reasons to Grow Mint

Mint, a versatile and aromatic herb, has a captivating charm that can elevate both your culinary creations and your daily life. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner looking to cultivate your green thumb, mint is a fantastic addition to any home garden. In this article, we’ll delve into the enchanting world of mint … Read more

How to Eliminate Rats and Mice with Toothpaste?

A rat is hiding in your kitchen. He walks around there, nibbles what he finds there, leaves crumbs everywhere and scatters little droppings. You have to get rid of it. There is an effective solution to eliminate rats from your home. Ingredients 1 tablespoon of baking powder 2 tablespoons of flour 4 tablespoons crushed salted peanuts 1 tablespoon … Read more

Œufs en croûte: la recette d’un apéritif facile et super délicieux

ingrédients OEUF 4 Pâte feuilletée 1 rouleau SALAME HONGROIS 8 tranches SERVENT AUSSI: ŒUF 1 GRAINES DE SÉSAME Comment préparer les croûtes d’œufs: Étape 1 Mettez les œufs dans une casserole avec de l’eau froide et faites cuire pendant 10 minutes à partir de l’ébullition. Étape 2 Une fois cuits, égoutter, les passer sous un … Read more

Layer Potatoes and Meatballs

Are you craving a comforting, delicious and meal-prep friendly dish? Don’t worry, I got your back with this awesome recipe for potato and meatballs casserole! Give it a try, it’s incredibly good and easy to make! Ingredients The dish: 3 potatoes, peeled and boiled 1 white onion 1 package of ground beef 1 teaspoon of … Read more