Better than bleach: removes limescale from the bathroom and all the grease from the kitchen

Better to save money, then, and use a  miracle pasta  , made with ingredients that can be easily found in every kitchen. Are you ready to learn how to do it? After using it, lime and grease will be very easy to remove.

Sponges for cleaning limescale

How to make your own cleaning paste

The paste that we will teach you how to make will allow you to remove not only limescale but also grease from the oven, kitchen tiles, pots and pans. You will need six tablespoons of any brand of  concentrated dish soap. 3 tablespoons of  powdered bathroom cleaner  ; 3 tablespoons of  baking soda  ; a tablespoon of  white wine vinegar  .

You will need a disposable container, even recycled, like the plastic ricotta container bought at the supermarket. We wash the container and use it to contain the pasta that we are going to make.

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