Air frying pork chops

Air fry the pork chops at 400°F (200°C) for 10 minutes. Check after 5 minutes to ensure they are browning evenly.
Flip and Air Fry Second Side:
Flip the pork chops and air fry for an additional 5-8 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) and have a golden-brown crust.
Rest and Serve:
Allow the pork chops to rest for a couple of minutes before serving. This helps the juices redistribute.
Optional: Garnish and Serve:
Garnish with additional Parmesan cheese and fresh herbs if desired. Serve the air-fried Parmesan crusted pork chops with your favorite sides.
Time and Intensity:

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 15-18 minutes
Total Time: Approximately 30-33 minutes
Intensity: Easy
Note: Air frying pork chops creates a crispy and flavorful crust while keeping the inside tender. Adjust the cooking time based on the thickness of your pork chops and the specific model of your air fryer. Enjoy this quick and delicious air-fried meal!



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