Chocolate tiramisu: Unique!

  1. Brew a few cups of coffee and let it cool.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the mascarpone and sweetened liquid cream
    using an electric mixer until the mixture becomes firm.
  3. Dip the biscuits in the coffee and arrange them in a single layer in a baking dish.
  4. Add half of the mascarpone and cream mixture to the biscuits and sprinkle with chocolate chips.
  5. Arrange a second layer of coffee-soaked biscuits on top, then spread the remaining mascarpone cream.
  6. Sprinkle bitter cocoa powder on the surface of the tiramisu.
  7. Place the eggless tiramisu dish in the refrigerator for at least 2 to 3 hours so that the preparation solidifies.
  8. Once cooled, serve the tiramisu without eggs and enjoy!



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