4 Ingredients Xmas cake


Crafting this delectable cake is an adventure in itself. Follow these steps to create a masterpiece that will have everyone raving about your baking prowess.

  1. Soaking the Fruits for Flavour: Begin by soaking the mixed fruit, including glacé cherries, in a combination of chocolate milk and Baileys for a full 24 hours. This infusion of flavors adds depth and complexity to your cake, making every bite a burst of delightful surprises.
  2. Folding in the Flour: After the fruits have soaked to perfection, gently fold in the self-raising flour. This step requires a delicate touch to ensure that the flour is incorporated evenly, resulting in a consistent texture that’s both soft and airy.
  3. Preparing the Slow Cooker: To create the perfect environment for your cake to bake, line your slow cooker with 2-3 layers of baking paper both around and underneath it. Additionally, place a long strip of baking paper in first to make it easier to pull the cake out once it’s cooked.
  4. Baking with Patience: Pour the batter into the prepared slow cooker and even it out for a uniform distribution. Set your slow cooker to low heat and allow the cake to bake for 7-8 hours. Placing a tea towel under the lid helps maintain the ideal moisture level during baking.
  5. Unveiling Your Creation: After the patiently awaited baking time, carefully remove the cake from the slow cooker. The aroma that fills the air is a testament to the scrumptious treat you’ve created. Let it cool before slicing and savoring each delightful bite.

The Experience:

Embarking on the journey of creating a mixed fruit chocolate cake is an experience that melds anticipation with creativity. As you watch the ingredients transform into a harmonious symphony of flavors, the aroma that wafts through your kitchen is enough to make your mouth water. The soaking process infuses the fruit with the rich essence of Baileys and chocolate milk, creating a delightful contrast with the subtle sweetness of the glacé cherries.

Folding in the self-raising flour is an exercise in precision, requiring a gentle hand to maintain the cake’s airy texture. The act of lining the slow cooker and watching the cake transform over hours is a lesson in patience and dedication. Finally, as you slice into the cake, the tender crumb and blend of flavors reward your efforts, making every step of the process worth it.

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